
Company information about the § 5 of the Telemedia Act (Telemediengesetz)

halstrup-walcher GmbH
Stegener Straße 10
79199 Kirchzarten

Phone: +49 7661 3963-0
Fax: +49 7661 3963-99


Headquarters: Kirchzarten

Register Court of Freiburg, Register of Companies HRB 2209
VAT ID: DE 811169901

Managing Directors

Mr. Dipl.-Ing. Jürgen Walcher
Mr. Dipl.-Ing. Christian Sura

Data protection officer

Data protection information

Find more information here: data protection.

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The halstrup-walcher website is under copyright protection in its entirety. Distribution, modification, commercial utilisation or incorporation in other websites is prohibited. Copyright notices may not be removed or modified.
Any duplication, transfer or processing is prohibited without the written consent of halstrup-walcher GmbH. 

We would like to thank you for visiting our website and for your interest in our company, our products and our website. 

Your privacy when using our website is important to us.

When processing your data, we take care to provide the greatest possible level of security and work in compliance with all relevant legal regulations.

We are here for you

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